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January 31, 2023
Meles Zenawi Net Worth

The Shocking Net Worth of Meles Zenawi: Revealed!

Meles Zenawi, former prime minister of Ethiopia, is known for his role in transforming the country. He was also one of the wealthiest politicians in Africa. His net worth, which was largely unknown until his death in 2012, shocked many people. In this blog post, we will discuss his net worth in detail.

Early Life and Political Career

Meles Zenawi was born on May 8, 1955, in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. He joined the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) at the age of 19, which was fighting against the Marxist regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam. In 1991, the TPLF led a coalition that overthrew the Marxist regime, and Meles Zenawi became the prime minister. He remained in power until his death in 2012.

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Meles Zenawi’s Net Worth: Sources of Income

Meles Zenawi’s net worth was estimated to be around $3 billion. His wealth came from various sources, including investments in real estate, telecommunications, and other businesses. He was also a shareholder in different companies around the world.

Real Estate Investments

Meles Zenawi owned several properties in Ethiopia and other countries. He had a luxurious villa in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, which was estimated to be worth about $4 million. He also had properties in Dubai and South Africa.

Telecommunications Investments

Meles Zenawi was also a shareholder in Ethio Telecom, the sole provider of telecommunications in Ethiopia. The company had a monopoly on the industry, which led to controversy about his involvement.

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Other Business Ventures

Meles Zenawi invested in various businesses, including construction, banking, and agriculture. He had partnerships with international companies and used his position to secure deals for his businesses.

Criticism and Scandals

Meles Zenawi was criticized for his business deals and alleged corruption. His involvement in Ethio Telecom and his use of political power to secure business deals raised questions about his leadership.

Legacy and Impact

Despite the controversies surrounding his wealth, Meles Zenawi left a significant legacy in Ethiopia. He oversaw the country’s transformation into a rapidly growing economy, with improvements in healthcare, education, and agriculture.


Meles Zenawi’s net worth was a shock to many people, and his business deals and alleged corruption remain controversial. However, his legacy in Ethiopia and impact on the country’s transformation cannot be ignored.

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Q: What was Meles Zenawi’s net worth?
A: Meles Zenawi’s net worth was estimated to be around $3 billion.

Q: What were Meles Zenawi’s sources of income?
A: Meles Zenawi’s sources of income included investments in real estate, telecommunications, and other businesses.

Q: What properties did Meles Zenawi own?
A: Meles Zenawi owned a luxurious villa in Addis Ababa, properties in Dubai and South Africa, and several other properties in Ethiopia.

Q: What was Meles Zenawi’s involvement in Ethio Telecom?
A: Meles Zenawi was a shareholder in Ethio Telecom, the sole provider of telecommunications in Ethiopia, which raised controversy about his involvement due to the company’s monopoly.

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Q: What was Meles Zenawi’s legacy in Ethiopia?
A: Meles Zenawi oversaw Ethiopia’s transformation into a rapidly growing economy, with improvements in healthcare, education, and agriculture.

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