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February 14, 2023
Michael Cimino Net Worth


Michael Cimino was one of the most successful directors of the 1970s. His films, including The Deer Hunter and Heaven’s Gate, received critical acclaim and made him a household name. However, his career quickly fell apart, with Heaven’s Gate being a notorious box office flop and effectively ending his career. Today, Cimino’s net worth is a fraction of what it once was, and he passed away in 2016. In this blog post, we’ll explore Cimino’s rise to fame, his tragic downfall, and what happened to his net worth in the years after.

The Early Career of Michael Cimino

Before he became a director, Michael Cimino was a screenwriter for films such as Magnum Force and Silent Running. His directorial debut, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, starred Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges and was a commercial success. This laid the groundwork for Cimino’s next film, The Deer Hunter, which won five Oscars and was a box office hit.

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Heaven’s Gate and the Tragic Downfall of Michael Cimino

Despite the success of The Deer Hunter, Cimino’s next film would be his undoing. Heaven’s Gate was a major commercial and critical failure, with a budget of $44 million and a box office return of just $3.5 million. The film’s poor reception effectively ended Cimino’s career, with his reputation as a filmmaker in tatters.

The Impact of Heaven’s Gate on Michael Cimino’s Net Worth

Heaven’s Gate was so costly that its failure affected not just Cimino’s career, but also his finances. In addition to the cost of making the film, the financial failure of Heaven’s Gate led to lawsuits from the film’s investors. This left Cimino in debt and effectively broke.

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Michael Cimino’s Later Career

After Heaven’s Gate, Cimino struggled to regain his footing in Hollywood. He directed films such as Desperate Hours and Sunchaser, but these were not well-received critically or commercially. Cimino would never again reach the heights he did with The Deer Hunter.

Michael Cimino’s Personal Life

Despite his professional failures, Cimino was remembered by those who knew him as a kind and generous person. He was also known for his eccentricities, such as insisting on shooting his films on location rather than on sound stages.

Michael Cimino’s Legacy

Although his career ended in tragedy, Michael Cimino’s influence on Hollywood was lasting. The way he approached filmmaking influenced many directors who came after him, and his films remain popular classics to this day.

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Michael Cimino’s Net Worth Today

When Cimino passed away in 2016, his net worth was estimated to be around $10 million. This is far lower than what it was at the height of his success. However, his legacy as a filmmaker lives on.


Michael Cimino was one of the most successful directors of the 1970s, but his career was cut short by the failure of Heaven’s Gate. Despite this, his approach to filmmaking influenced many who came after him, and his films remain classics to this day.


Q1: What was Michael Cimino’s most successful film?
A: Michael Cimino’s most successful film was The Deer Hunter, which won five Oscars and was a box office hit.

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Q2: How much did Heaven’s Gate cost to make?
A: Heaven’s Gate cost $44 million to make.

Q3: What was the box office return for Heaven’s Gate?
A: Heaven’s Gate had a box office return of just $3.5 million.

Q4: How did Heaven’s Gate affect Michael Cimino’s career?
A: The failure of Heaven’s Gate effectively ended Michael Cimino’s career as a filmmaker.

Q5: What was Michael Cimino’s net worth at the time of his death?
A: Michael Cimino’s net worth was estimated to be around $10 million at the time of his death.

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